Thursday, January 27, 2011

M. Night Shymalan and Text books. Two very stupid things.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Old ass song I found. And some really cool pictures to go along with it.

I found this song I wrote last year when I was all into trying to get a band going. I kind of like it still, except the end gets lame.

Ever since High School I've been so hard pressed
And all the shit you say just makes me depressed.
'Cause I don't give a fuck about boys going flacid
Or the time you shit your pants cause you tripped on Acid.
I get that you think that it sets you free,
but that kind of shit just don't appeal to me.
I spent all night glued to my tv
With all these Halo fuckers owning me,
you'd think that I'd grow up eventually,
but it beats beer pong at some lame party.
I wont get out of bed for quite a while,
'cause I just pirated a new X-files
So mulder, scully, and I will spend the night
Wallowing in pity till we feel alright
And you called me up the other day
you critique my life and then you say
"you can't live like this, your friends all worried
and your mother seemed pissed.
It's almost 3PM and you're still asleep
will you ever grow up or are you just on repeat?

and some sweet pictures I found. You'll have to click on them to see the whole picture.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises

----------EDIT----- Apparently you'll have to click on each individual photo to see it in all it's glory.

They announced yesterday that the villains in the Dark Knight Rises will be Catwoman and Bane. This is pretty fucking awesome. Christopher Nolan keeps the graphic novels very well, which is very bad news for Bruce Wayne, because Bane fucked his shit up. Let me start off by saying Bane is not the piece of shit dumb fuck that you have seen in previous Batman flicks. No, this guy is fucking SMART. He takes over the entire gangster underground (which have had a major role in both movies so far) and is the only *physical* threat Batman has ever had. And SPOILER ALERT***** Bane fucking breaks Batman's back. IN TWO DIFFERENT STORIES! In the comic series he straight up tosses Batman off of Wayne Enterprise for half of Gotham City to see and he's not wearing a mask when this happens. And in the Graphic Novel (which monsieur Nolan has kept with) Bane breaks Batman's back over his fucking knee. Hahahaha.
Just like sew. Or so. Whatever the fuck it is. Anyway, shit's getting bad really quick for The Gotham Knight. Or Dark Knight. Whichever you like. I'm pretty excited for the Bane character. He'll get the movie role he deserves.

However, Catwoman?? And Anne Hathaway as Catwoman? I don't know how I feel about this.
Can you picture that being Anne Hathaway? I can't really. But as soon as I see Publicity photo's of her in her outfit I'll probably jizz in my pants.

And speaking of Jizz in the pants. Yesterday while I had a break in my classes I went to East Hills Mall in Bakersfield to kill some time. I had heard there was this awesome game store that sold old ass SNES games and was pretty stoked on getting one. But I never in my life expected to find this. Out of the corner of my eye I see this from the food court.
A Princess Leia life size cardboard cut out. I immediately walked in and just fucking got blown away. I'll post all the pictures at the end, but let me explain this to you. It is a HUGE comic book/vinyl record store and HALF OF THE FUCKING STORE IS STAR WARS ACTION FIGURES AND COMICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They had signed posters/figures/comics you name it, these guys had it. I fully plan on blowing at least 50 there on Tuesday when I go down to school. Just browse the photos to see how awesome it is.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Queen of the Dead

I'm going to start this post off by embarrassing myself and admitting that I am currently watching Queen of the Damned. It's so terrible it's not even funny. Lestat the vampire sings in the singer of Korns voice for some reason. Haha.

Lately in Arkansas they've been finding the bodies of dead birds just falling from the sky and dead fish washing up on shore. And I just looked more into it. It's not even just in Arkansas. In Sweden, the US, and New Zealand hundreds of birds are just dropping dead and "millions" of fish are washing up on shore. I don't know how to explain this. Zombies simply have nothing to do with it and this I know for sure. However, there are other scary possibilities. Aliens, the Apocalypse, or some really fucking deadly disease that could take us out just as easily.

Aliens are a lot smarter than Zombies (if they exist that is) and I'm not sure if hiding or going about my own personal Zombie survival *to be posted in a future update* will do shit to save anyone. The Apocalypse is even worse because there's really not a damn thing we can do about it. Long story short (because I'm ridiculously tired and it's almost 4:30am) this is getting to be pretty weird and something is going to happen soon and none of us are going to know what it is or what to do..