Saturday, March 6, 2010

February 28th, 2010

As soon as I heard the sirens and saw the lights I knew something was up. The first accident appeared to be just that, an accident. I know better. People don't just run in front of cars for no reason. The bright lights, the sounds of the engines. Victims infected with Solanum are known to be attracted to bright lights and loud noises. The first case was covered up. The news said it was a lack of a stop sign that caused a truck to hit a man who was jaywalking. That's what it appeared to be.
There's no covering up the accident today though. A man was running out on to the highway and got hit by a semi. There's no covering that up. People don't just run out in front of cars, not in the same week. I'll have to keep an eye on the news for more "accidents."

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