Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 5th, 2010

I have an upcoming trip to St. Louis. I'm partially bothered by being on a plane that could possibly have some creep infected with the virus, but fuck.. Zombie apocalypse or not, I need to get out of Tehachapi. Plus, it's not like they'll turn on the plane, it would be hours after the infected died before he or she would turn. I'd be long gone off that fucking plane by that time.
I have an advantage of living in a trailer. If these fuck's do decide they want to munch on my Medulla Oblangata they'll have a tough time getting into the trailer. The windows are high up, so they can't just break through. I just hope I don't get overrun. I need to think about some sort of makeshift crossway to get from the roof of the trailer to the roof of the house. Maybe just some long ass piece of wood from when James was building the shed.
My biggest concern at this point is a fucking weapon. I own a grand total of zer0.

Fuck me.

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