Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 14th, 2010

Discovered that there is a Zombie farm on Facebook today. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not sure if it's a positive or a negative when it comes to my social status, but it's fucking sick. Honestly, I'm tempted to create a fake account for it though, that way people can't see how addicted to it I get, 'cause it'll be embarrassing, I'll be logged in on that shit like 24/7. Don't tell anyone
Also, some cops up the street were doing some DWI testing. In my mind I was freaking out thinking that it was some Zombie check for some escaped Zombie. Shit's a lot scarier than you'd think. No-freakin-bueno.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 did an episode on a movie titled "Zombie Nightmare" the movie was fucking hilarious and the Zombie was for some reason a very skilled serial killer. Of course Tom, Crow, and Joel ripped the movie to shreds. I really miss MST3K. I decided I'm going to watch all 198 episodes. I'm psyched.
I need some fucking followers, I just look like an idiot right now updating to myself.

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