Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 10th, 2010

I don't care:
-who the fuck you are
-what you've done to me in the past
-if I like you
-if I don't
-if I hate you
-if I love you
-if we had a major fallout
-if we've never talked before
-if future events prevent us from ever meeting
-if you told me you don't like Converge
-if you think comic books are nerdy
-if you think this blog is nerdy
-is you're nerdy
-if you noticed I accidently put "is" instead of "if"
-if you don't even like Zombies
-if you don't like me at all
-if you think I'm an asshole
-if you've called me an asshole.

I don't care whether any of these things are true, but I will be thinking about you when Zombies take over and wondering if you're alright. (Except if you think Zombies and Comics are nerdy. Then you're on your fucking own.)

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